New Testament Books


A few months ago I posted about the Bible’s Old Testament books.  Here is the post I promised for the New Testament.

Included is a cheat sheet listing the books, summarizing them, and describing the hand motions we came up with to help us memorize: Books of New Testament.

In case my descriptions need a little help, here’s a video of my girls going through the books with the hand motions: Girls Recite NT Books.

We had a lot of fun with these.  My original hand motion for the book of Acts was one hand on top of your head, fingers extended upward and waving, like the flames of a fire.  This was meant to represent the Holy Spirit falling on the disciples in the Upper Room, and appearing as tongues of fire on their heads.  The girls, in hysteria, kept shouting “chicken!” when we got to this one, because to them it looked like a rooster.  So we had to change it.  A memory I’ll keep for life.

Praying you and yours find it every bit as fun and meaningful.